** Lake temperatures are holding near 70 degrees on Bay Lake.
The average temperature at Bay Lake in September 1 goes from an average high of 73 degrees and an average low of 52 degrees on September 1st to an average high of 62 degrees and average low of 40 degrees on September 30th. Jonathan Yuhas
** Have a Happy and Safe Laobr Day!
TODAY: Mostly sunny and pleasant with low humidity.
High: 76 degrees.
Wind: Southeast at 4 to 8 mph.
Chance for rain today: 0%.
** The UV Index today is 6, which is MODERATE, meaning you can sunburn in 25 minutes in the noon sun with out sun block even in cloudy conditions.
7 P.M. Weather: Clear skies - chance for rain is 0% - temperatures will be in the low 70s with Southeast winds at 3 to 6 mph. Sunset tonight is 7:48 P.M.
TONIGHT: Clear skies with some patchy ground fog in low lying areas.
Low: 51 degrees.
Wind: Light Winds.
Chance for rain tonight: 0%.
SATURDAY: Mostly sunny and continued pleasant with a slight breeze.
High: 78 degrees.
Wind: South at 7 to 14 mph.
Chance for rain: 0% all day.
7 P.M. Clear skies - temperatures will be in the mid 70s with South winds at 4 to 8 mph. Sunset is 7:47 P.M.
Extended Outlook for the Ruttgers area at Bay Lake, MN:
SUN..........................79.......Sunny to partly cloudy.
MON - Labor Day........79.......Sunny to partly cloudy with a slight chance for an isolated shower or thunderstorm in the evening - chance for rain is 10% in the evening.
TUE........................77....Partly cloudy with spotty thunderstorms - chance for rain is 40%.
Average high through the extended period is 71 degrees and the average low is 50 degrees.
Bay Lake Climate Data for today.
Average high:....72 degrees
Average low:.....51 degrees.
Sunrise:...6:8 A.M.
Sunset:....7:48 P.M.
Jonathan Yuhas KARE 11 9/04/2009
Click on the boxes below to view live radar data from the National Weather Service in Minneapolis/St.Paul, Duluth/Superior and Fargo/Grand Forks. The radars will indicate active areas of thunderstorms and rain near the Bay Lake/Brainerd areas - Bay Lake is about 20 miles southeast of Brainerd.