Ruttger's Bay Lake Forecast:
** Bay Lake water temperature is at 70 degrees - warmer temperatures expected next week will likely cause Bay Lake water temperatures to increase about 5 degrees.
** Much warmer weather on the way starting this weekend.
TODAY: Sunny to partly cloudy and breezy.
The UV Index today is 7, which is HIGH, which means you can sunburn in 20 minutes in the early afternoon sun with out sun block even in cloudy conditions.
HIGH: 81 degrees.
WIND: South at 10 to 20 mph.
7 p.m. WEATHER: Clear to partly cloudy and breezy. Temperatures in the upper 70s with South winds at 10 to 15 mph. Sunset is 8:23 p.m.
TONIGHT: Clear skies and breezy overnight.
LOW: 61 degrees.
WIND: South at 10 to 15 mph.
SUNSET Tonight: 8:23 p.m.
SUNRISE Sunday: 6:18 a.m.
SUNDAY: Sunny to partly cloudy and breezy.
HIGH: 83 degrees.
WIND: South at 10 to 20 mph.
SUNSET Sunday: 8:22 p.m.
7 p.m. Weather: Partly cloudy to clear skies and breezy with temperatures near 80 degrees and South winds at 10 to 15 mph. Sunset is 8:22 p.m.
Ruttger's at Bay Lake,MN Extended Weather Forecast:
MONDAY.......................Low 64 High 84.........Partly cloudy with a chance for isolated thunderstorms -chance for rain is 30%.
TUESDAY.......................Low 66 High 88..........Partly cloudy and humid with thunderstorms possible at times and some could be Strong - chance for rain is 30%.
WEDNESDAY................Low 68 High 90...........Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms possible mainly in the morning - chance for rain is 20%.
THURSDAY....................Low 69 High 88...........Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms possible mainly in the evening - chance for rain is 20%.
FRIDAY...........................Low 67 High 86...........Partly cloudy with a chance for scattered thunderstorms - very humid - chance for rain is 30%.
The average low and high for the extended period is 55 and 77 degrees.
Bay Lake Climate Data for today Saturday August 17, 2013:
Average High: 78
Average Low: 56
Sunrise: 6:17 a.m.
Sunset: 8:23 p.m.
Jonathan Yuhas Meteorologist 8/17/2013
Click on the boxes below to view live radar data from the National Weather Service in Minneapolis/St.Paul, Duluth/Superior and Fargo/Grand Forks. The radars will indicate active areas of thunderstorms and rain near the Bay Lake/Brainerd areas - Bay Lake is about 20 miles southeast of Brainerd.

June...A big month of change in the weather in June as Summer takes over. Temperatures average the low 70s at the start of the month to near 80 by the end of June but it warms quickly and 90 degree days happen. The sunsets are awesome and late during June ( Sunset is after 9 p.m. ). Water temperatures of Bay Lake rise from the low 60s in early June to the low 70s by the end of the month.
July...July can be hot and humid but cooler air from Canada often moves through during the month breaking the heat and humidity that lingers all month in areas just to the south. July temperatures range from about 80 to 85 degrees but often do spike 90 degrees but that of course is swimming weather! Bay Lake water temperatures rise from the low 70s in early July to the mid to upper 70s by the end of the month.
August...August starts out hot and has some of the more humid days of Summer in the early part of the month with temperatures mostly in the 80s but still pushing 90 at times. By mid August you will start to feel a few cooler days that even hint of Fall with highs at the end of the month mostly in the 70s along with lower humidity too. Bay Lake water temperatures go from the mid to upper 70s in early August to about 70 degrees by the end of the month.
September...September is the end of Summer and often the first light frost shows up by the 3rd week of the month. Temperatures in September average the low 70s around Labor Day to the low 60s by the end of the month with night lows dropping into the 40s and even 30s at times. Fall color comes on fast and strong by the last few days of the month.
October...October is all about Fall with temperatures in the low 60s the first week of the month then by Oktoberfest in late October temperatures are in the 40s and 50s. Fall color is perfect and at its best the first 2 weeks of October.
Make sure to keep checking the website for updates on your weather at Rutters's Resort on Bay Lake.
Jonathan Yuhas