TODAY: Sunny and pleasant with low humidity ( dew points in the low 50s - non humid ).
High: 77 degrees
Wind: Light Winds
Chance for rain: 0%
** UV Index today is a 8 which is HIGH, meaning you can sunburn in 15 minutes with out sun block.
TONIGHT: Clear Skies. The sunset is just after 9 P.M. and most fireworks are at 10 P.M. - temperatures at that time will be around 71 degrees with light winds and clear skies - remember with the light winds the mosquitos may be bothersome.
Low: 58 degrees.
Wind: Light and variable.
Chance for rain: 0%
SATURDAY: Sunny to partly cloudy, breezy and warmer with increasing humidity in the late afternoon.
High: 82 degrees.
Wind: South 10 to 20 mph.
Chance for rain: 0%
Extended Outlook:
SUN..........85 Partly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening - some of the storms could be strong - chance of rain is 40% in the late afternoon and 70% in the evening.
MON.........81 Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms - chance for rain is 60%..
TUE..........83 Humid with partly cloudy skies and scattered thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening - chance for rain is 50% in the late afternoon and 70% in the evening.
Average high through the extended period is 81 degrees and the average low is 58 degrees.
Average high…..80 degrees
Average low……58 degrees.
Sunset………9:09 P.M.