TODAY: Sunny to partly cloudy and pleasant with low humidity.
High: 75 degrees
Wind: North 6 to 12 mph
Chance for rain: 0%
** UV Index today is a 8 which is HIGH, meaning you can sunburn in 15 minutes with out sun block in the late morning and early afternoon sun even in cloudy conditions.
FRIDAY ( JULY 4 ): Sunny to partly cloudy and pleasant with low humidity. Sunset temperatures around 71 degrees with light winds and clear skies ( sunset is 9:10 P.M. ).
Extended Outlook:
TUE..........90 Partly cloudy, windy, hot and humid.
Average high through the extended period is 80 degrees and the average low is 58 degrees.
Average high…..80 degrees
Average low……58 degrees.
Sunrise:……..5:33 A.M.
Sunset………9:10 P.M.