TODAY: Sunny to partly cloudy with a chance for an isolated thunderstorm after 4 P.M.
High: 84 degrees ( not humid with non-humid dew point temperatures in the mid 50s ).
Wind: South-Southwest at 7 to 14 mph.
Chance for rain: 20% after 4 P.M.
** UV Index today is a 7 which is HIGH, meaning you can sunburn in 20 minutes with out sun block in the late morning and early afternoon sun even in cloudy conditions.
7 P.M. Weather: Partly cloudy with a slight chance for an isolated thunderstorm - chance for rain at 7 P.M. is 20% - temperatures will be in the upper 70s.
TUESDAY: Partly cloudy, warm and humid with scattered thunderstorms possible.
Chance for rain: 30% at sunrise then 40% during the afternoon.
7 P.M. Partly cloudy with a chance for thunderstorms - chance for rain is 30%.
.83 Humid with partly to mostly cloudy skies and a 40% for thunderstorms at times.
THU..........78 Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered thunderstorsm - the chance for rain is 40%.
FRI...........78 Partly cloudy, cooler and less humid.
Average high through the extended period is 80 degrees and the average low is 58 degrees.
Bay Lake Climate Data.
Average low
58 degrees.
..5:38 A.M.
9:00 P.M.