TODAY: Windy, warm and humid with a mix of clouds and sun along with scattered thunderstorms rapidly developing after 4 P.M. - some of the storms could be Strong to Severe with frequent lightning, hail, brief heavy downpours and damaging winds - the highest risk for Strong to Severe thunderstorms will be just east of Bay Lake around 5 P.M. closer to Interstate 35 but be alert for fast changing weather this afternoon as a strong cold front moves into the area kicking off thunderstorm development.
High: 84 degrees ( it will be humid with dew point temperatures in the low to mid 60s ) .
Wind: Southwest at 13 to 26 mph but higher gusts possible near thunderstorms.
Chance for rain today: 20% around 2 P.M. then 50% at 4 P.M. and 70% between 5 P.M. and 8 P.M. then 50% at 9 P.M. and less than 30% after 10 P.M.
** UV Index today is a 5, which is MODERATE, meaning you can sunburn in 30 minutes with out sun block in the late morning and early afternoon sun even in cloudy conditions.
7 P.M. Weather: Partly cloudy with a chance for scattered thunderstorms and some could be Strong to Severe mainly to the east of Bay Lake - chance for rain is 70% - chance for Severe thunderstorms is 70% - temperatures will be in the mid 70s with muggy conditions.
TONIGHT: Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered thundrestorms possible through 12 A.M. then clearing and cooler after 1 A.M. with lower humidity.
Low: 57 degrees.
Wind: West at 9 to 18 mph.
Chance for rain tonight: 70% through 8 P.M. then 50% at 9 P.M. and less than 30% after 10 P.M.
SATURDAY: Sunny to partly cloudy and breezy with low humidity.
High: 74 degrees ( it will not be humid as dew point temperatures fall into the September like mid 40s ).
Wind: West-Northwest at 10 to 20 mph.
Chance for rain: 0%.
7 P.M. Clear and cool with decreasing winds - temperatures in the mid 60s so grab sweatshirts for the after dinner walks and camp-fires.
Extended Outlook
SUN...............74 A cool start in the 40s during the morning then sunny to Partly cloudy and pleasant.
MON...............77 Partly cloudy and warmer.
TUE...............80 Partly cloudy, breezy and warmer with a 30% for scattered thunderstorms in the late evening.
Average high through the extended period is 74 degrees and the average low is 53 degrees.
Bay Lake Climate Data.
Average high…75 degrees
Average low……53 degrees.
Sunrise:……6:22 A.M.
Sunset………8:09 P.M.
Jonathan Yuhas KARE 11 8/22/2008