TODAY: Sunny to partly cloudy and becoming more humid in the late afternoon.
High: 86 degrees ( dew point temperatures will be in the muggy climbing into the low 60s by the late afternoon) .
Wind: Southeast 7 to 14 mph.
Chance for rain today: 0%.
** UV Index today is a 7 which is HIGH, meaning you can sunburn in 20 minutes with out sun block in the late morning and early afternoon sun.
7 P.M. Weather: Partly Cloudy and humid with temperatures around 82 degrees.
SUNDAY: Humid with a mix of clouds and sun and a chance for thunderstorms - some of the storms could be Strong to Severe especially in the late afternoon and early evening hours.
Chance for rain: 30% before noon then 60% in the afternoon and 60% in the evening.
7 P.M. Partly cloudy and humid with a slight chance for thunderstorms - temperatures will be in the low 80s - chance for rain at 7 P.M. is 60%.
MON...........81 A mix of clouds and sun with scattered thunderstorms - some of the storms could be Severe - chance for rain is 80%.
TUE............78 A mix of clouds and sun with isolated thunderstorms - turning cooler - chance for rain is 20%.
WED...........76 Partly cloudy and cool for early August.
Average high through the extended period is 79 degrees and the average low is 57 degrees.
Bay Lake Climate Data.
Average low
57 degrees.
..5:59 A.M.
8:39 P.M.