TODAY: Mostly cloudy with periods of rain at times and possibly an isolated thunderstorm this afternoon.
High: 62 degrees.
Wind: Southeast at 10 to 20 mph.
Chance for rain today: 40% during the day then 80% tonight.
7 P.M. Weather: Cloudy with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms - temperatures in the upper 50s - chance of rain is 80%.
TONIGHT: Cloudy with periods of rain and isolated thunderstorms.
Low: 54 degrees.
Wind: Southeast winds at 9 to 18 mph.
Chance for rain tonight: 80%.
TUESDAY: Cloudy with rain in the morning then decreasing clouds in the afternoon.
High: 57 degrees
Wind: West-Northwest at 7 to 14 mph.
Chance for rain: 90% through 9 A.M. then 70% from 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. then falling to less than 20% the rest of the day.
7 P.M. Clearing skies with temperatures in the low 50s.
Extended Outlook:
WED.................65.......Sunny and warmer.
THU..................62.......Morning sunshine then increasing clouds in the afternoon.
FRI...................50.......Cloudy with periods of rain - much cooler too.
Average high through the extended period is 57 degrees and the average low is 37 degrees.
Bay Lake Climate Data.
Average high:....59 degrees
Average low:.....38 degrees.
Sunrise:...7:17 A.M.
Sunset:....6:43 P.M.
Jonathan Yuhas KARE 11 10/06/2008
Click on the boxes below to view live radar data from the National Weather Service in Minneapolis/St.Paul, Duluth/Superior and Fargo/Grand Forks. The radars will indicate active areas of thunderstorms and rain near the Bay Lake/Brainerd areas - Bay Lake is about 20 miles southeast of Brainerd.